Monday, February 15, 2010




Dear Ikhwan/Brothers/Sahabat!


Yes, the above is neither a proverb nor a cli'che but more a maxim or principle that could carry
you through the journey of humanity enroute to Divine enlightenment. Know that nothing can
salvage you from the existence of this dream-world in order to securely exit to the hereafter
without the Merciful Grace and Graceful Mercy from dear God!


Please refer the Holy Quran, Chapter 10, verses 108 -109:

'Say: O mankind! Now has the Truth from your Lord come unto you.
So whosoever is guided, is guided only for [the good of] his soul,
and whosoever goes astray, does so only against it. and I am not
a warder over you'.

'And [O Muhammad]! Follow that which is revealed unto you and
persevere until Allah passes His judgement. And He is the Best of Judges'.

Take heed from Chapter 59, verses 18 -20:

'O You who believe! Fear God, and let every soul look to what provision he has
sent forth for the morrow[hereafter]. Yea, fear God: for God is well-acquainted
with all that you do."

'And be you not like those who forget God; and He made them forget their own souls!
Such are the rebellious transgressors!'

'Not equal are the Companions of the Fire and the Companions of the Garden:
it is the Companions of the Garden, that will achieve Felicity.'


Truth be told, whatever status/pedigree, whatever stuff Man is made of or where he hails from;
Man was once a thing unremembered, of no utility as manifested in verses below:

Refer Chapter 76, verses 1-3:

'Has there not been over Man a long period of Time, when he was nothing - [not even] mentioned?'

'Verily, We created Man from a drop of mingled sperm, in order to try him: so We gave him [the gifts]
of Hearing and Sight.'

'We showed him the WAY: whether he be grateful or ungrateful [rests on his will].'

On the other hand, God bestowed abundant Grace and Mercy on Man for good reason on His creation, as denoted by the following verses:

Refer Chapter 95, verses 4-6:

'We have indeed created Man in the best of moulds,'

'Then do We abase him [to be] the lowest of the low.'

'Except such as those who believe and do righteous deed;
for they shall have a reward unfailing.'

However, Chapter 7, verse 179 explicitly states:

'Many are the Jinns and men We have made for Hell: They have hearts wherewith they understand not, eyes wherewith they see not, and ears wherewith they hear not. They are like cattle, - nay more misguided; for they are heedless [of warning].'

Whereupon, everything, put in perspective is cut and dried; as to what befalls the rejectors and what rewards the righteous/believer!


None is qualified to render a true and complete description other than He himself as declared below:

Refer Chapter 59, verses 22 -24:

'ALLAH is He, than Whom there is no other god- Who knows [all things] both secret and open;
He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.'

'ALLAH is He, than Whom there is no other god- the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Source
of Peace [and Perfection], the Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might,
the Irresistible, the Supreme: Glory to God! [High is He] above the partners they attribute to Him.'

'ALLAH is He, the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of Forms [or Colours]. To Him belong
the Most Beautiful Names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth declare His Praises
and Glory: and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.'

Also please refer Chapter 7, verse 180:

‘The most beautiful Names belong to ALLAH; so call on Him by Them; but shun such men as use profanity in His Names; for what they do, they will soon be requited.’

Upon such exalted proclamations can anyone with even an ounce of intellect or sanity compare Him with
any other entities, place Him alongside or even assign His Name to other lesser creations?!
Putting it succinctly, He is just unique, Infinite, Indivisible, and ' There is nothing like Him!' Period.


No, it is not just any name! It is a Name too sacred, inviolable, bedecked and adorned; a Name to all Muslim/Mukmin believers beyond compare! It is in itself a Name, whose utterances and remembrances with appropriate reverences, and gravity, become a prayer of sorts. In diverse context, the Name becomes elevated and exalted, but never debased or adulterated! Indeed, a Name whose supplication
and invocation opens Divine realms!

It still reverberates, even to this day, this very moment in time, whereupon, the Archangel,
Jibril[Gabriel] descended upon the presence of Prophet Muhammad saw. commanding him
to read and echoing and entrenching the Most Exalted Name: ALLAH, ALLAH into the Prophet's
sublime essence and lofty being, the very nature of that Name, Unique, Majestic, Exalted,
Mighty and Glory be to the Name and the Named!

Matter-of-factly, a Hadith from the Prophet states that:

‘The universe will not cease to be until the Kalimah ALLAH,ALLAH ceases to be uttered by the Ummah!’

The Name ALLAH belongs to the Divine Essence, the Absolute Reality Himself. Nothing
transcends Him because He is the Absolute Transcendant. This Mighty Name in reality
encapsulates both the Macro and Micro existence of the Universe, and that of Man himself,
realisation of which must be through the Knowledge of the Science of the Self.
However, this is only achievable by the process of Tajjaliyat, through constant Dzikir and not Fikir!

One who is gifted with Tajjaliyat will realise the true nature of Reality itself, the reasons for
his own existence amidst others.The very mention and contemplation of the Name and the
Named will necessarily resonate through his entire being, transforming and ascending him
into elevated states of possible human purity and perfection.When fire enters a house,inevitably,
the house becomes fire, hence, when contemplation enters a person, he becomes the contemplated!
Such a person will now easily be able to be compliant with all God's Commandments and Injunctions
as opposed to another who has no recourse to the best practices in the Science of the Self.

It cannot therefore be overemphasized the importance of knowledge of the Science of the Self,
or commonly called Tasawwuf! It has become imperative, in the wake of the ever deceptive
and vain nature of the fantasy-world and its trifling, that one should be armed to the teeth,
to be able to fight tooth and nail and constantly and vehemently waging war against his very
own lower nafs.[Read: JihadunNafs].

In order to succeed, one has to engage the assistance of a Qualified Guru, just as one would
engage a medical expert/specialist to treat his own ailments, because his very life and survival
inevitably, depends on it!


Tawheed comes after the pronouncement of Islam, and Iman [Faith]. Amazingly, not many
people know or realize the true nature and absolute necessity of proclaiming and attaining
the true and qualified state of Tawheed, especially through the instrument of
Proclamation/Declaration of Syahadah.

The qualified and true attainment of Tawheed [Unity] happens when the proclaimer
uncompromisingly, negates duality in favour of Unity. However, this is best done only through
physical illustration.Correctly done, the person shall earn Divine Grace and Favours that will
categorise him amongst His True Servants and the ever Faithful!

What ensues should be immediate acts of Repentance, constantly repeated, throughout
ones life, in addition to religious and strict observations of His Syariat!


Lets then unlock the Great Secret and Mystery of Creation! Definitely, we were not created
merely to serve ourselves, i.e. to eat, drink, be merry, sleep, fornicate[procreate] and defecate;
but more importantly is to serve the Higher Purposes that God has preordained upon Mankind!

Know that every creation will eventually return to its Creator! Beware of God's blatant Warnings
as they appear below:

Refer Quran, Chapter 23, verse115:

'Did ye then think that We had created you in jest, and that you would not be brought back to Us [for account]'.

Refer Quran, Chapter 52, verse 35:

'Were they created of nothing, or were they themselves the creators?'

Take heed that true salvation of oneself happens with Divine Favour, when He wills it,
as the following Verses explicitly explain:

Please refer Quran,Chapter 10, verse 25 -26:

'But ALLAH doth call to the Home of Peace: He doth guide whom He pleases to a way that is straight.'

'To those who do right is a goodly [reward]- Yea, more [than in measure]! No darkness nor shame
shall cover their faces! They are companions of the Garden; they will abide therein [for aye]!


To those of you who have wittingly or unwittingly stumbled upon this article, thereupon,
actively engage yourself to all its exhortations, such expedient responses and engagements
will benefit nobody but yourself! Trust yours truly, that at the end of the day [read: Judgement Day],
you will have your good Fortune to thank for, and more than that, be grateful to ALLAH, The Almighty, who bestow you Grace and Favour for your positive and fortunate Turnaround!

To know Allah is to know His Absolute Essence, His Amazing Attributes, His Diverse Acts
and Wonderfully Beautiful Names.


In summary, take a leaf from the love-life of great practitioners and ardent Lovers of Allah!
Once you attain perfect gnosis of Allah, your only wish will be to be with Him, constantly,
in perfect union and communion with none other than Him. For Allah is truly loveable, adorable, inseparable,and irresistably irresistable!

Happy Journeying by God, with God and into God! INSYAALLAH!